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Sepultura - Roots - Vinyl

Sepultura - Roots - Vinyl
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EAN: 081227934262

Tracklist:1.1 Roots bloody roots1.2 Attitude1.3 Cut-throat1.4 Ratamahatta1.5 Breed apart1.6 Straighthate1.7 Spit1.8 Lookaway1.9 Dusted1.10 Born stubborn1.11 Jasco1.12 Itsári1.13 Ambush2.1 Endangered species2.2 Dictatorshit2.3 Ratamahatta (2 Meter Sessions)2.4 Roots bloody roots (2 Meter Sessions)2.5 Attitude (2 Meter Sessions)2.6 Kaiowas (Take 1, Previously Unreleased)2.7 Procreaton (of the wicked)2.8 Roots bloody roots (Demo)2.9 Attitude (Instrumental Rough Mix)2.10 Cutthroat (Instrumental Rough Mix)2.11 Dictatorshit (Instrumental Rough Mix)2.12 Untitled (Demo)2.13 R.D.P. (Demo)2.14 Dusted (Demo) - Vinyl - 180 g - metalMediaSepultura

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