Evanescence - Synthesis - Vinyl - discussion
Manufacturer: Evanescence
EAN: 889854202514
Manufacturers Part Number: 0889854202514
Tracklist:1.1 Overture1.2 Never go back1.3 Hi-Lo1.4 My heart is broken1.5 Lacrymosa1.6 The end of the dream1.7 Bring me to life1.8 Unraveling (Interlude)1.9 Imaginary2.1 Secret door2.2 Lithium2.3 Lost in paradise2.4 Your star2.5 My immortal2.6 The in-between (Piano Solo)2.7 Imperfection3.1 Overture3.2 Never Go Back3.3 Hi-Lo3.4 My Heart Is Broken3.5 Lacrymosa3.6 The End Of The Dream3.7 Bring Me to Life (Synthesis)3.8 Unraveling (Interlude)3.9 Imaginary3.10 Secret Door3.11 Lithium3.12 Lost In Paradise3.13 Your Star3.14 My Immortal3.15 The In-Between (Piano Solo)3.16 Imperfection - Vinyl - mainstreamrockVinyl & CDsEvanescence
Price £28.99 in 1 shop
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